46 research outputs found

    Emerging good practice in managing research data and research information within UK Universities

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    Sound data intensive science depends upon effective research data and information management. Efficient and interoperable research information systems will be crucial for enabling and exploiting data intensive research however it is equally important that a research ecosystem is cultivated within research-intensive institutions that foster sustainable communication, cooperation and support of a diverse range of research-related staff. Researchers, librarians, administrators, ethics advisors, and IT professionals all have a vital contribution to make in ensuring that research data and related information is available, visible, understandable and usable over the mid to long term. This paper will provide a summary of several ongoing initiatives that the Jisc-funded Digital Curation Centre (DCC) are currently involved with in the UK and internationally to help staff within higher education institutions prepare to meet funding body mandates relating to research data management and sharing and to engage fully in the digital agenda

    D3.2 Cost Concept Model and Gateway Specification

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    This document introduces a Framework supporting the implementation of a cost concept model against which current and future cost models for curating digital assets can be benchmarked. The value built into this cost concept model leverages the comprehensive engagement by the 4C project with various user communities and builds upon our understanding of the requirements, drivers, obstacles and objectives that various stakeholder groups have relating to digital curation. Ultimately, this concept model should provide a critical input to the development and refinement of cost models as well as helping to ensure that the curation and preservation solutions and services that will inevitably arise from the commercial sector as ‘supply’ respond to a much better understood ‘demand’ for cost-effective and relevant tools. To meet acknowledged gaps in current provision, a nested model of curation which addresses both costs and benefits is provided. The goal of this task was not to create a single, functionally implementable cost modelling application; but rather to design a model based on common concepts and to develop a generic gateway specification that can be used by future model developers, service and solution providers, and by researchers in follow-up research and development projects.<p></p> The Framework includes:<p></p> • A Cost Concept Model—which defines the core concepts that should be included in curation costs models;<p></p> • An Implementation Guide—for the cost concept model that provides guidance and proposes questions that should be considered when developing new cost models and refining existing cost models;<p></p> • A Gateway Specification Template—which provides standard metadata for each of the core cost concepts and is intended for use by future model developers, model users, and service and solution providers to promote interoperability;<p></p> • A Nested Model for Digital Curation—that visualises the core concepts, demonstrates how they interact and places them into context visually by linking them to A Cost and Benefit Model for Curation.<p></p> This Framework provides guidance for data collection and associated calculations in an operational context but will also provide a critical foundation for more strategic thinking around curation such as the Economic Sustainability Reference Model (ESRM).<p></p> Where appropriate, definitions of terms are provided, recommendations are made, and examples from existing models are used to illustrate the principles of the framework

    Sikkerhedskopiering af truede kulturarvsmaterialer

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    Solving the Pet Overpopulation Problem

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    The HSUS promotes its blueprint for succes

    Sikkerhedskopiering af truede kulturarvsmaterialer

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    I det følgende vil jeg opridse baggrunden for mit ph.d.-projekt og præsentere projektets problemstillinger og de teorier og metoder jeg arbejder med for at belyse dem. Projektet har arbejdstitlen ’Modellering af omkostninger og nytteværdi af forskellige tekniske løsninger for sikkerhedskopiering af truede kulturarvsmaterialer’. Jeg er indskrevet ved Konservatorskolen i København (2006-2009) og gennemfører projektet på 3⁄4 tid. Ph.d.-stipendiatet samfinansieres af Kulturministeriet og Det Kongelige Bibliotek, hvor jeg også arbejder på 1⁄4 tid som bevaringsspecialist i afdelingen for Digital Bevaring.